We are living into time that has stress, job, family, pollution, and many diseases, these are the major factors for resisting good living life. Now, this is a good time to add Yoga in your daily routine to live a healthy lifestyle. Here we describe 5 major yoga poses which can help you to live a healthy life. Yoga Poses- 1. Kapalbhati:- Doing the Kapalbhati Pranayam sit in Sukhasana, and place each of your arms on both your knees your palms should face up, and each of your thumbs should touch the index finger making a circle. Now inhale deeply by filling your lungs with the serene environment to rest within you, and a better life that awaits you. Benefits: - This is helpful for Heart, lung, mind, Blood Circulation and Digestion, Enhances Beauty, Healthy Body Organs and many more. 2: Vrikshasana: Doing the Vrikshasana stand tall and straight with arms by the side of your body bend your right knee and place the right foot high up on your left thigh, make sure t...