
Showing posts with the label Health

Implement Yoga In Your Life

If you want to become healthy from both mind and body, then start taking yoga classes in Himalayan Yoga Retreat. Yoga in Himalayan brings many health benefits like improved flexibility, muscle strength and a strong immune system. Experts say that yoga has a positive effect on your performance at the workplace. Many companies are opting for yoga practice sessions at the workplace to boost employee morale and productivity. Here are ways how yoga can help to  reduce stress and increase energy Mindfulness- Taking a few minutes to check in with yourself can enhance self-awareness and provide clarity and insight for decision making. Practicing mindfulness is at the part of yoga that can be done at any time. It helps to stay productive and decrease stress levels when the work pressure starts to build up. Improved Focus- Modern workplaces are filled with stressful deadlines and meetings. Taking a little time from the hectic schedule to meditate or deep-breathing exercises helps to

Yoga And Healthy Glowing Skin

It is very easy to get the healthy glowing skin. You don’t need harsh chemicals and expensive beauty treatments for radiant skin. Simple yoga exercises can add a glow to your face. You can practice yoga in a small but peaceful Ashram in Himalaya . Causes of skin problems  Fine lines and wrinkles- It is caused due to stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking, drug addiction, alcohol and unhealthy eating habits can cause premature wrinkles on the skin. Acne- Acne is the most common problems in the women. This can occur due to hormonal Changes in the body. Improper digestion can lead to pimples. Various yoga asanas for radiant glowing skin Yoga asanas for glowing skin Yoga asanas can help you to achieve radiant skin. Yoga will increase blood circulation to head and face. Cobra pose, Bhujangasana Reduce stiffness in shoulder and back. Make skin smooth and flexible Fish pose, Matsyasana Help to maintain normal hormonal balance. Makes skin firm and flexibl

Benefits of yoga in Himalayas

Tourists from around the world hare visiting the best Himalayan Yogi Ashram situated in the lap of the Himalayas. Rishikesh has the motive of pursuing serendipity and building a healthier life.   The abundance of natural beauty makes the environment calm giving tourists reasons to visit the finest wellness retreat.  Uttarakhand is the favourite destination for the age-old practice of yoga with various benefits such as stress relief, stronger immunity, weight loss, controlling circulation, better breathing, and many more. Now imagine that you are surrounded by the Himalayas and sitting on the River Ganges, what better atmosphere can you ask for a peaceful and relaxing trip of practising yoga. Stress is something that one undergoes at some or the other time. While some manage to dodge it while few learn to live with it. Stress does nothing good to you and your health. In order to get relief, people start taking western medicines that makes the immunity weak. Stress can ea