Explore your spiritual knowledge by Himalayan Yoga Ashram

It is said that acquiring knowledge can liberate you, as ignorance can chain you into a great superstition. Although all the atoms of your being contain knowledge, peace, beatitude, and the state of higher being which, almost all of us, conscious or not, scream to live it, we fail to see this. What keeps us, in blindness and deafness, from the inner song? Does not flight and non-involvement in a conscious and constant practice keep us away from deep nuclear processes designed to bring inward freedom?
By translation, Meditation in Himalayas means daily spiritual practice and is a personal commitment. The one in which the psychic content of life is put under the watch of attention for a moment. Diving into the gray material of the subconscious can rewrite the mind’s programs, bring more clarity and compassion to the traumas and suffering of the past, change unhealthy habits, and connect you with the core of the being. That ethereal essence, beyond the body and the elements from which it is lying, beyond mind, identity, stories or roles.
Nobody and nothing out there can bring happiness, fulfillment, or exaltation. The work of transformation is yours entirely! You choose when to start, how to polish the intrapsychic materials and what color to give them. You choose the speed, the way, the place, the people, the situations. Choose wisely! – Himalayan Ashram


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