Yoga And Healthy Glowing Skin

It is very easy to get the healthy glowing skin. You don’t need harsh chemicals and expensive beauty treatments for radiant skin. Simple yoga exercises can add a glow to your face. You can practice yoga in a small but peaceful Ashram in Himalaya.

Causes of skin problems 
  • Fine lines and wrinkles- It is caused due to stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking, drug addiction, alcohol and unhealthy eating habits can cause premature wrinkles on the skin.
  • Acne- Acne is the most common problems in the women. This can occur due to hormonal Changes in the body. Improper digestion can lead to pimples.
Various yoga asanas for radiant glowing skin

Yoga asanas for glowing skin

Yoga asanas can help you to achieve radiant skin. Yoga will increase blood circulation to head and face.
Cobra pose, Bhujangasana
  • Reduce stiffness in shoulder and back.
  • Make skin smooth and flexible
Fish pose, Matsyasana
  • Help to maintain normal hormonal balance.
  • Makes skin firm and flexible.
Yoga asanas for curing acne and pimples

Acne and pimples are the problems of oily skin. This problem becomes more serious in summer. For getting best results on skin from yoga, plan a visit to Yoga Retreat in Himalayan Mountains
Sheetali and sheetkari- It provides the cooling effect on the skin.
Jalneti technique- It will aid in the emotional and physical cleaning of the face and body.

Yoga asanas to improve digestion

When the digestive system does not function properly, it reflects outside on the skin. Skin gets benefitted when the body is nourished and digestive system is working properly.
Wind -relieving pose- It helps to remove constipation
Kneeling pose, Vajrasana
  • It helps to improve the process of digestion.
  • It detoxifies the body from toxins.
Bow pose, Dhanurasama
  •  This asana is an excellent stress buster.
  •  Relaxation of the body prevents from acne and pimples.


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